Dine-in Meal
Pawnee Senior Center 115 N Oak St, Genoa, NE, United StatesDine-in meal at 5:30pm. Entertainment with Janice Stuhmer at 5:30pm. At the Senior Center.
Dine-in meal at 5:30pm. Entertainment with Janice Stuhmer at 5:30pm. At the Senior Center.
Registration at Rocks: 6:30pm First Putt: 7pm Must have 4 per team: $40
Hunter's and non-hunter all are welcome! 5:00am to 10:30am Price's vary.
Thanksgiving dinner at the Pawnee Senior Center, 12:00pm to 2:00pm. Free will donation. Everyone welcome!
12:00pm to 2:00pm. Soup dinner at the Pawnee Senior Center. Free will donation. Everyone is welcome!